Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1/144 HG Gundam Seravee and Seraphim Review

Since I had finsh my SPM yesterday i mind as well burst out all of my photos that i've took on the day before SPM.
First i'll be looking at the Seravee first.This guy is way dangerous if he got 6 beam saber.If he does,he is can chop every part of your limb off any second~^^;
For Weapon,he got the GN Bazooka II which can be seperate,four beam cannon on his kneecap and on his back(which is Seraphim's arm) and NO beam saber included for this package.Oh and his secret weapon behind him.the FACE MASK BURST MODE(I think that's what they called).That help Seravee to boost up the amount of GN particle he release for more fire power i think.and of course,it also have a system called TRIAL SYSTEM that makes all mobile suit that connects to VEDA to system error.as you can see in the anime and in the opening of gundam 00 season 2.
Here is Seravee showing off his best poses.
With his beam cannon on his knee cap that is the same design on his back.you can even do this pose.Anyone thinking of buying 2 more Seravee Gundam so he can take 6 of them?XD

And this is Seraphim Gundam shooting his beam cannon.I've already done this review already though.so i kinda do fool around with him.

Now he got more fire power on his hand or arm....

I never know that he can actually withstand the weight of the bazooka.He can do the Wing Gundam favourite shooting pose.
And here is Seraphim with out his head.i use his face mask burst mode instead.After fooling around with him i was thinking how the designer design this gundam.And something pop out in my head.
It look just like Gurren.Pretty similar isn't it.Well,that's all for this review..^^
Here's the last picture of my blooper~XD

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